HMS Victory. Nelson’s Flagship
- Mérete: 130 H × 45 SZ × 92 M cm
- Méretarány: 1:78
- Anyaga: fa, fém, vászon
- Nehézségi fok:*****
Ha már épített néhány modellt, és van benne gyakorlata, újabb kihívásra vár, valószínűleg ebben a készletben is megtalálja azt és tovább mélyítheti tapasztalatait a hajóépítés terén. A faépítő makett anyagai megfelelnek vagy hasonlóak az eredetileg megépült hajó építőanyagaihoz. Ragasztással, szögeléssel kerülnek összeépítésre. Vitorlázat külön rendelhető.
A dobozban lévő építési rajz angol és olasz nyelven, lépésről-lépésre segíti a munkát.
A pontos méreteket a lézer technikával vágott elemek biztosítják.
A csomagolás nem tartalmaz festéket, ragasztót szerszámokat. - Hajó története:
HMS Victory stands today as the world’s oldest commissioned warship. Still manned by Officers and Ratings of the Royal Navy, the Victory has seen over 220 years of almost continuous naval service.
Best known for her role in the Battle of Trafalgar, the Victory currently has a dual role as the flagship of the Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command and as a living museum to the Georgian navy.
Launched in 1765 at Chatham Dockyard, the Victory was commissioned in 1778 and continued in active service for the next 32 years. In 1812 the Victory was retired from frontline duty and anchored in Portsmouth Harbour, on the south coast of England. For the next 110 years the Victory remained at her moorings in Portsmouth Harbour fulfilling a combination of practical and ceremonial roles.
In 1922, amid fears for her continued survival, the Victory was moved into Portsmouth’s Royal Naval Dockyard and placed in No2 Dry Dock. Work then began on restoring the Victory to her ‘fighting’ 1805 condition.
The Panart kit builds up into a fine model of the flagship to Admiral Lord Nelson.
This kit features double plank on frame hull construction, building plans with general details, English instructions, lost wax brass castings walnut or lime planking, wooden masts and spars, brass and walnut fittings, laser engraved details, copper hull plating, rigging cord and silk flag. All sheet ply sections are laser cut for accuracy. (the stern gallery parts are now supplied in laser etched wood, not brass as in some pictures)This model differs from the RH782 from Sergal version in that it includes the Ships boat set and the copper tile hull plat
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