H.M.S. Vanguard hajómakett építőkészlet ****

413 090 Ft
Cikkszám: RH1300/04

H.M.S. Vanguard

Third Rate 74 gun Ship Of The Line

Amati Kitt –

Mérete: 117 cm (hosszúság)

Méretarány: 1:72

Anyaga: fa, fém, vászon

Nehézségi fok: ****


Ha már épített néhány modellt, és van benne gyakorlata, újabb kihívásra vár, valószínűleg ebben a készletben is megtalálja azt és tovább fejlesztheti ügyességét a hajóépítés terén. A fa építő makett alapanyagai többnyire hűek az eredeti hajó anyagaihoz. A makett elemei ragasztással, szögeléssel kerülnek összeállításra.

A dobozban lévő építési rajz angol és olasz nyelven, lépésről-lépésre segíti a munkát.

A pontos méreteket a lézer technikával vágott elemek biztosítják.

A csomagolás nem tartalmaz festéket, ragasztót!


Kapcsolódó termékek:

Hajlító fogó bender

Elektromos palánkhajlító készülék




This wonderful kit is the latest release in the highly acclaimed Victory Models series of high quality kits.

HMS Vanguard (or HMS Bellerophon or HMS Elephant). This 74 gun Ship Of The Line was Nelson s Flagship at the famous Battle Of The Nile on 1st/2nd August 1798.
Nelson’s Vanguard was designed by Slade (of Victory fame) and was one of fourteen 3rd rate 74 gun ships which formed the Arrogant class. The ship was ordered on 9th December 1779 and the keel laid down at Deptford on 16th October 1782. During this time, Britain was not at war so her build went ahead very slowly, being launched on 6th March 1787.

The kit includes the following
Laser cut wooden parts throughout. Many photo etched brass detail sheets that include window frames, deadeye strop/chainplate fittings, monograms and flintlock detail for the cannons, footrope stirrups and other fine mast and yard detail, gunport scuttles, hinges the list is endless.
There are no less that twenty full size plans, which include very easy to follow rigging detail. Sail detail is also included, along with sail cloth if you wish to rig your model with main sails. (Not stunsails)
The copper plates for below the waterline are of a completely new design. They are so accurate that there is a left and right side to the plates, and there are no unseemly over protruding nail heads, everything is scaled at 1:72nd.
Accompanying the plans is a 31 page A3 size fully illustrated building manual, taking you through every stage of the critical hull construction. There is also a full English instruction booklet, describing every detail of each stage of the main construction, along with histories of the three vessels that are included.

Included with the kit are option packs to build HMS Elephant and HMS Bellerophon, as well as Vanguard. There is a set of finely cast figureheads and stern decoration for each version. The plans also include suggested colour schemes for each vessel.